27 Mar As the number 1 goal, differences in the characteristics of the consequences anywhere between men and women sex had been analysed
Brand new habits to have independence from amputation believed passing given that a competing risk in contrast to the newest AFS models, including dying regarding endpoint. For this reason, we used Fine and you can Gray's way of guess sub-distributional hazard ratios (HRs) throughout the AFS model.
The models included risk profiles of patients at baseline and additionally time-dependent occurrence of comorbidities or procedures in the follow-up period. Thus, we evaluated the interaction of sex with all variables in the Cox regression models. Two-sided P-values for the test of interaction of the two models were jointly adjusted using the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure 34 to control the false discovery rate (FDR) with respect to the multiple testing problem. False discovery rate-corrected P-values-denoted with P int-will be discussed and presented in the Supplementary material online. Additionally, we will quote the unadjusted two-sided interaction P-values for all models in the Supplementary material . All presented confidence intervals (CI) are standard unadjusted and all P-values relating to non-sex-interaction terms, i.e. the main effects in the full models or the effects in the subgroups, are two-sided, purely descriptive and unadjusted. We also calculated a sex-specific HR, which summarizes the sex-interaction terms, by a joint full model Cox regression with all comorbidities, but without additionally gender-interaction terms.
I in addition to did individuals second, explorative investigation.